API Business Models

Your API Events Digest


At API Days, we organise conferences on all continents but we also support
the “REST” of the ecosystem! Here’s a selection of great API conferences.

Your API Guide:

EndpointCon, September 5th in Amsterdam

For API and backend developers.The confere​nce focuses on API
architecture, api design, best practices and tools. Register Here.

#API360, September 12th, in Washington

With the US government’s Open Data initiative, the API Academy has chosen Washington, DC as the location for its first API360 Summit. Register here.

APIStrat 2014, September 24–26 in Chicago

A unique program of keynotes and panels to provide insights into the
potential of APIs. Register with our OAuth.io friends link and Get 30% off!

REST Fest 2014, September 25–27 in Greenville SC

A community event focused on the REST architectural style and RESTful
implementations. Think resources, representations, and rich interactions.
Register here.

Nordic APIs, October 20–22, in Stockholm

The annual conference for Nordic countries, designed to help you transform
your business into an API platform. Register here.

Please let us know if we forgot one, drop me an email at elie@oauth.io☺

apidays Conferences
Founded in 2012 in Paris, apidays has organized 45+ events in 10+ countries, gathering over 20,000 attendees and 2,000+ speakers. Its aim is to democratize and evangelize the opportunities and the use of APIs for corporations and businesses to fully enter the next wave of the digital transformation, the era of automation.

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The State Of Api Documentation: 2017 Edition
  • State of API Documentation
  • The State of Banking APIs
  • GraphQL: all your queries answered
  • APIE Serverless Architecture