DX, API Design & Documentation

API blogs, API Newsletters and API-oriented-Slack-groups to follow


Tl;dr : A useful collection of API blogs to follow, API newsletters and API Slack groups to subscribe to.

With APIdays Conferences, we see lots of API influencers in the community who do the hard work to write insightful articles. But as the industry is growing, it is hard to keep up the pace.

So others API influencers are doing the other kind of hard work of gathering them into simple and worthy newsletters and some even tries to maintain the community by making slack groups and keeping the discussion alive.
Let’s share the list so every body can participate and engage in raging debates 🙂

Here is a quick collection of the top 5 API newsletters :

API weekly Newsletter : http://launchany.com/subscribe/by James Higginbotham and D Keith Casey Jr

REST API Notes : https://tinyletter.com/RESTAPINotes, by Matthew Reinbold

GET PUT POST : https://tinyletter.com/getputpost , by Gordon Wintrob

APIdays Newsletter : http://global.apidays.io/ (in the footer), by APIdays(shameless plug)

NordicAPIs Newsletter http://nordicapis.com/newsletter/ by Nordic APIs

(Don’t forget the classics like API craft google group , ProgrammableWeb : or The New Stack )

Here is a short list of independent blogs author to follow :

Kin Lane— a.k.a The API Evangelist, on https://apievangelist.com/

Arnaud Lauret, a.k.a API Handyman, on https://apihandyman.io/

James Higginbotham, on Launchany blog http://launchany.com/articles/

Adam DuVander on http://everydeveloper.com

And finally, some public API-oriented, active and addictive slack groups

APIs you won’t hate : https://slack.apisyouwonthate.com/

Write the Docs http://slack.writethedocs.org/

HttpAPIs : http://slack.httpapis.com/

API Evangelists : If you consider yourself as an API evangelist in your everyday job, you can contact Kin Lane to be added to https://apievangelists.slack.com/

That is all! We hope this was useful for you!

PS : Did we miss one newsletter, blog API-oriented-Slack-group worthy to follow? Tell us in comments!

PS2 : Are attending at the API event of the year next 13–14th of December in Paris?

apidays Conferences
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