DX, API Design & Documentation

Apidays India 2022 – Speaker Highlight: Sohini Pattanayak, Entando


Apidays India is around the corner. And this May 11th, I’ll be taking an opportunity to speak at apidays on “Application Modernization and the 4C’s of Application Composition.” Sound interesting? Well, it is very interesting indeed. 

I am Sohini, from India, and I work at Entando as a Developer Advocate. I am working on building a community that deeply focuses on Modularity and Composable Applications. Previously, I have worked as a Developer Advocate and evangelized content for NLP, voice bots, and Alexa Skill Development at Dabble Lab. I have been an Alexa Student Influencer and also worked at American Express as an Intern, twice. When I’m not busy solving business problems, I blog interesting stuff and play my guitar.

I’d like to share a little about the aspects of Application Modernization and the 4C’s of Application Composition that I’ll be touching on. 

Enterprise application architecture has been evolving since before the dotcom boom.  Most recently, applications have transitioned from monolithic architectures to API-first and cloud native microservices, with support for DevOps with Kubernetes. This trend is driven by a need to simplify, accelerate, lower lifecycle costs, and improve business resilience.  

However, for companies to become resilient to market shifts, they must be able to quickly adapt to disruptions. This requires organizing for Composable Business, and Composable Business requires Composable Applications.  

“By 2024, 70% of large and medium sized organizations will include composability in their approval criteria for new application plans.” Source: Gartner How to Design Enterprise Applications That Are Composable by Default .  

Application Composition enables companies to be more resilient by allowing enterprises to quickly recompose “packaged business capabilities” or components into new applications that better serve changing business needs.

In this session, we will review the definition of Composable Applications and how teams can leverage the 4C’s of application composition: Create, Curate, Compose, and Consume.  We will specifically review: 

  • What are Composable Applications? And why are Enterprises adopting them?
  • What are components and packaged business capabilities?
  • What is an Application Composition Platform?
  • How can this benefit developers like you and me?
  • The vision of the Application Composition Platform and distributing responsibilities across four separate roles or functions (Create, Curate, Compose and Consume) with an explanation for each of the steps.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned to learn more about all of this during my talk on May 11th. Have you registered yet? If not, register now!

Thank you.

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