API Lifecycle Management

Recommendations for an API Economy Center of Excellence – White Paper Now Available


Business APIs are here to stay. Companies big and small are adopting API technology for faster business growth. The API hype is long past and APIs are now the foundational building blocks for new initiatives such as Digital Transformation, Journey to Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain – to name just a few. With these critical initiatives relying on your ability to provide a solid foundation, it is imperative that you are positioned for success with your API initiative. Organizations frequently ask what roles are required to drive a successful API initiative, how should this fit in the current organization, and how do these roles relate to existing roles in the company.


While the initial project to embark on an API journey is usually a pilot or a getting started set of API use cases, this usually grows over time sometimes rather too quickly as more API opportunities are identified, and line of business teams adopt APIs.  At this point there is a critical decision on governance of APIs. On one side there is the desire for speed to market and driving rapid API adoption, but this may result in overlapping

API functionality, and inconsistent and poor API design. On the other side, there is a desire to drive consistency, reuse, and control which could result in bottlenecks and failure to deliver the desired speed to market. The answer needs to be somewhere in between.  The goal for the API Center of Excellence is to allow the business to maximize the impact of its API strategy by driving the use of APIs across the organization to achieve the desired speed for new and enhanced business solutions.

But how is this accomplished?  To address this topic, we have published a white paper titled, “Recommendations for an API Economy Center of Excellence”.  Covered topics include:

  •   Goals and Guiding Principles
  •   Organizational Structure
  •   Core Team Roles
  •   Related Stakeholder Roles
  •   Center of Excellence (CoE) Processes and Concerns
  •   Real Center of Excellence Examples
  •   Recommendations – Do’s and Don’ts

Please click here to download the white paper. 

If you have questions, please let me know.  Connect with me through comments here or via twitter @Arglick to continue the discussion. 

Alan Glickenhouse
Alan Glickenhouse is the IBM Digital Transformation and API Business Strategist.  Alan assists clients with their business and IT strategy for Digital Transformation and the API Economy.  Starting with an understanding of the business direction, current IT strategy, and existing environment (both business and technical), Alan helps businesses successfully adopt a Digital Transformation and API strategy that fits their environment. He meets clients in all industries, all geographies, and of all sizes and brings knowledge of best practices shared with and by these businesses.  Alan is the author of over 150 papers, articles and videos on these topics.  

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