Victoria Lo

Victoria Lo

Having lived in Indonesia, Singapore and Canada, I am a person that has been internationally exposed to many different cultures. With these global experiences, I have become a versatile and curious person by nature, willing to accept new challenges and meeting new people to make meaningful connections. My passion lies in technology and finance. I graduated from the Smith School of Business specializing in finance with a computer science background. I have been a self-taught programmer in Java, JavaScript, Python and C# to fuel my passion in developing software that can make a difference and hopefully, revolutionize both the finance and tech industry. My blog, Articles by Victoria ( is also a part of my mission to create communities of lifelong learners. It is through the medium of writing and content creation that I was able to leverage on my expertise and lend my voice to contribute to the tech community. While being an active member in the tech blogging community, I am also a WomenWhoCode Singapore leader, where I am proactively organizing community-based events to empower any individual to find success in the tech space.