API Lifecycle Management

How to run an API program and manage the full API lifecycle governance across all the organization

API Lifecycle Management

Best Practices for Building a Modern API Stack

Alex Walling is the field CTO at RapidAPI. This article by Alex is about modern API development and the tools, resources, and processes needed to support that. Why APIs? There are many reasons that APIs have become so important to all industries. This article will focus on the developer gap. There is a lot of investment in digital transformation and innovation. But there are not enough developers to support this type of innovation. This is what we call the developer gap. So, organizations are forced to use the developers they...
API Lifecycle Management

Fostering an API Community of Practice

This article by Shelby Switzer talks about fostering an API Community of Practice. What's the Community of Practice?  A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. It is people who share a common interest. They have to be practitioners, and there should be a core learning component. It's about sharing knowledge and learning to do something better together through interactions. API community of practice It's a group...
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